Yesterday, I joined several other photogs for my very first “A Day in the Life project” and I was super excited about it. Having a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 week old, it’s hard to tell where my nights end and days begin. So, I started my project after my cup of coffee and ended it with my oldest’s bedtime.
I decided to use Clickin Moms’ collage template to limit myself to my 10 favorite photos. This forces me to leave out things like doing the dishes and the laundry, even though I’m sure you’d love to see shots of that (I insist I did actually do them!) I’ve been so exhausted that I haven’t been picking up my camera much at all, and this project was a great way to get reacquainted. We will likely do this again next month and hopefully I’ll have something a little more interesting to share with you instead of a lazy day at home!